Creative Health Initiatives CIC

Organisation Bio

CHI is a not-for-profit organisation that seeks to improve physical, mental and emotional health outcomes for socially deprived areas of Halton by delivering a range of home-made, nutritious meals and a range of community activities that nurture skills, celebrate talent and improve community cohesion.

Organisation Services

We operate a welcoming, safe café with homemade food each day except Wednesdays.

We organise and help deliver a range of creative, physical and mental/emotional health activities at our community space in Phoenix Park.

Organisation Audience

Residents across Halton but mostly from the areas surrounding Phoenix park including Windmill Hill and Castlefields. Café and centre/park users from across Halton and the north west.

We target those most in need within our local community, especially those who are isolated and in poor health.


Creative Health Initiatives CIC

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CHI Community Café
Phoenix Park
Castlefields Ave East

07903 601486 

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